Stone Church pf England Combined School

'Love one another as I have loved you' (John 13:34-35) Helping each other to reach for the stars

Class 1

Welcome to Class 1's Page 

Meet the Team 

Year 1 Team (ID 1054)

Curriculum Planning 

y1 ltp 2024 2025.pdf

 To see each subject's progression of Knowledge and Skills - please go to the individual subject pages. Found here: Curriculum Subjects

Our Reading Journey 

The purpose of our Reading Journey is to outline the carefully curated Storytime map we have here at Stone School. In order to offer a diverse and enriching literary experience for our students, we have thoughtfully selected texts that they will encounter throughout each academic year. This journey is not exhaustive and the children will also hear other texts throughout the year and other subjects. 

our book journey.pdf

Transition from EYFS to Key Stage 1

Moving from Reception to Year 1 is a significant milestone in your child's educational journey. During this transition, children will start to adapt to a more structured learning environment whilst building upon the foundational skills they have developed in EYFS.

The two classrooms are located next to each other and they share some outdoor spaces. This allows your child to maintain a sense of familiarity with the school environment while stepping into the Year 1 space. The language we use across the school to support teaching and learning is consistent so the children will already be familiar with many of the routines and expectations. 

To further support a smooth transition, we take proactive steps to introduce the children to their new teacher and classroom. In July, we arrange for the children to spend a morning with their Year 1 teacher. This early interaction helps them become familiar with the new classroom setting and build a bond with their new teacher.

Our curriculum has been designed to ensure continuity in your child's educational journey. We aim to seamlessly link their previous learning from Class R with the upcoming content in Year 1. This approach helps them carry forward their knowledge and skills, setting a strong foundation for their continued growth as they reach for the star. 

In September, your child's new teacher will deliver a 'Welcome to Year 1' presentation. This is an excellent opportunity for you to gain insight into the curriculum focus and the expectations set for Year 1. We encourage you to attend this session to stay informed and actively support your child's academic progress.

We believe that with open communication and collaborative efforts, we can make this transition a positive and enriching experience for your child. Should you have any concerns or questions regarding the transition process, please feel free to reach out to your child's classroom teacher. 

The Phonics screening check

In June - Schools must administer the phonics screening check to Year 1 pupils.

The phonics screening check is a check of your child’s phonics knowledge. It helps your school confirm whether your child is making the progress expected in the national curriculum. The phonics screening check will be constructed of 20 real words and 20 pseudo-words.

There are two sections in this 40-word check and it assesses phonics skills and knowledge learned through Reception and Year 1. Your child will read these 40 words with their teacher in a sitting of about 5–10 minutes.

You can download a copy of the 2018 Phonics screening check and 2019 Phonics screening check

What sort of check is it and is it compulsory?

It is a school-based check to make sure that your child receives any additional support promptly, should they need it. It is not a stressful situation as the teacher will be well-equipped to listen and understand your child’s level of skills.

There will be a few practice words first to make sure your child understands the activity.

How will my child be scored? Is there a pass mark?

For the last few years, the threshold mark (or pass standard) set by the government has been 32 correct answers out of 40. 

If children do not reach the required standard, then the teacher will be in touch to discuss plans and offer additional, tailored support to ensure that your child can catch up. Your child will re-sit the check the following summer term.

 Parent Guide: 

information for parents 2023 phonics screening check.pdf