Stone Church pf England Combined School

'Love one another as I have loved you' (John 13:34-35) Helping each other to reach for the stars

Class R

Welcome to Class R's Page

Meet the Team 

Reception Team (ID 1053)

Curriculum Planning 

The EYFS framework is structured differently to the national curriculum. Whilst the national curriculum is organised into subject areas, the EYFS framework is organised across seven areas of learning. The knowledge and skills taught in EYFS feed into the national curriculum subjects and we have planned our curriculum from EYFS building on the core knowledge and skills learnt. All of our KS1 teachers know and will check what knowledge and vocabulary the children have been previously taught and can check their prior knowledge before moving onto our KS1 topics in a thoughtful and skilful way. 

Continuous provision is a key part of the learning experience for your child and plays a vital role in their development during their time in our class.

Continuous provision refers to the carefully planned and set up activities and resources that are available to the children throughout the day. These activities are designed to engage and stimulate the children, encouraging independent learning and exploration.

yr ltp 2024 2025.pdf

Our Reading Journey 

 The purpose of our Reading Journey is to outline the carefully curated Storytime map we have here at Stone School. In order to offer a diverse and enriching literary experience for our students, we have thoughtfully selected texts that they will encounter throughout each academic year. This journey is not exhaustive and the children will also hear other texts throughout the year and other subjects. 

our book journey.pdf

Transition to School 

Transitioning from Nursery to Reception can be both exciting and a little daunting for children (and parents) but rest assured that we are here to support and guide them every step of the way. Our experienced staff are dedicated to making this transition as seamless as possible, ensuring that your child feels secure and settled in their new environment.

We invite the children in many times before they begin in September. 

We also hold a Parents Information evening in the Summer term where you can meet other parents and learn about Stone School.

new class r.pdf

 Reception Baseline Assessment 

Your child will be participating in the reception baseline assessment (RBA) within the first 6 weeks of starting reception. The purpose of the assessment is to provide the starting point for a progress measure that will help parents understand how well schools support their pupils to progress between reception and year 6.

Please find more information about the RBA below. If you have any questions about the Reception Baseline, please speak to one of the classroom teachers. 

2024 information for parents reception baseline assessment 1 .pdf