Stone Church pf England Combined School

'Love one another as I have loved you' (John 13:34-35) Helping each other to reach for the stars


Our Governing Board 2024 - 2025

The school’s governing board is responsible for providing confident and strategic leadership, and creating robust accountability, oversight and assurance for the school's educational and financial performance.

We are a small but very committed group of people from varying backgrounds and experiences. The board is passionate about education and committed to continuous school improvement to ensure the best possible outcomes for our pupils. Our aim is for all pupils attending the school have the best opportunities to maximise their potential, reach for their star and to take their place in the wider community as confident and compassionate young people.

Our Role

Our Governing Board consists of elected parents, Foundation Diocesan Board of Education appointed, Local Authority representatives and school staff. The Governing Board has the responsibility of monitoring all aspects of school standards.

With the exception of the Co-Headteachers, term of office for a school governor is four years, with no limit on the number of terms a school governor can serve. All Governors at the school are subject to regular Safeguarding and DBS checks.

Alison Foy is the Chair of the Governing Body.  Claire Buckingham chairs the Resources Committee and Andrew Wilson chairs the School Improvement Committee.

To contact the Chair of the Governing body please email:

What is the role of the Governing Board?
In maintained schools the Governing Board has responsibility for raising school standards through three core strategic functions of: 

  • Setting the School’s vision, values and strategic direction;
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school to ensure its money is well spent;

The governing body act as a 'critical friend', working in a close, supportive way with the Co-Headteachers, senior leadership team and school staff to raise standards in all areas of school life and to promote high standards of education and achievement for all pupils. Our aim is that every child at Stone will reach their full potential.

Structure and Responsibilities of Governing Board
The Full Governing Body meets once per term and deals with all formal regulatory business.

There are currently 10 Governors with full and equal voting rights.  

In addition, we have a committee structure to undertake our monitoring and evaluation roles.

Membership and terms of reference of committees are determined annually in the autumn term and each committee meets at least once per term. We have 2 main committees:

1. School Improvement Committee - Monitors the School Development Plan, curriculum, quality of teaching and learning, pupil performance data, SEND.

2. Resources Committee – Responsible for setting the school budget and reviewing the school’s financial performance.  The committee also monitors staff performance management, responsibility for pay and other HR matters, Health & Safety and premises and lettings.

Meeting minutes are a matter of public record and copies can be viewed at the school office.

All Governors have undertaken an Induction Program and attend regular further training within the Governor Development Program to enable us to exercise our duties effectively and keep up to date with changes across all areas of the education provision.  

Safeguarding of Children

The safeguarding of children is the responsibility of all Governors.  As part of the Governor Induction Program all Governors are made aware of their role in this area. A nominated Safeguarding Governor meets at least termly with the Headteacher to ensure Safeguarding procedures are followed and to check the Single Central Record (SCR).

In addition the nominated Safeguarding Governor contributes to the Safeguarding Audit and Annual Safeguarding Report. A report from the nominated Safeguarding Governor is a standing item on the Full Governing Body Agenda.

The safeguarding of children underpins all aspects of supporting pupils in our community.

Meet the Governors

Click on each governor to learn more about them and their role at our school.

Governors (ID 1131)

  • Mrs A Foy
    Chair of Governors
  • Mrs C Buckingham
    Foundation Governor
  • Mrs B Jones
    Co- Headteacher
  • Mr C Dunne -Wall
    Parent Governor
  • Mrs J Featherston
    Foundation Governor
  • Mrs L Ithier
    Parent Governor
  • Mr A Wilson
    Parent Governor
  • Mrs R Seivwright
    Staff Member
  • Ms J Turner
    Parent Governor
  • Mrs C McCollum
    Co Headteacher

Governing Board Key Information 


Governor Name

Date of first appointment to Board

Term End

Governor Type & Appointed by

Business & Pecuniary Interests

Personal Interest

Claire Buckingham 

Sept 2018

Sept 2026

Foundation Diocese


Children in school

Craig Dunne-Wall

June 2022

June 2026


Wife PTA Chair 

Children in school

Joy Featherston

July 2016

July 2028

Foundation Diocese

Works for Buckinghamshire Council – EY Employee


Alison Foy

Dec 2015

May 2028

Local Authority

(Previous parent Governor 2015-2023)

Governor at TMS


Laura Ithier

Dec 2020

Dec 2024



Children / nephew in school 

Carol-Anne McCollum

Sept 2024


Governor at St James and St John,

Director and Trustee at Beachborough Preparatory School

Consultant at McCollum Education Consulting

Bethan Jones

June 2023




Rosie Seivwright

July 2023

July 2027




Jackie Turner

March 2024

March 2028



Child in school

Andrew Wilson 

March 2022

March 2026



Children in school

Sarah Hale

June 2023

August 2024



Child in school

Felicity Rave

April 2018

Feb 2024

Local Authority

(Previous Parent Governor 2018 – 2023)

Works for Buckinghamshire Council – Employee Relations. School buy into HR Services

Child in school

Clerk to the Governing Board: Mrs Joanne Lockwood

Governor Attendance

meetings stonecombined academic year 202324.pdf