Stone Church pf England Combined School

'Love one another as I have loved you' (John 13:34-35) Helping each other to reach for the stars


Stone School Parents Teachers Friend Association (SSPTFA)

We aim to:

  • Create close links between parents & teachers
  • Support school functions & events
  • Organise fundraising events to enable the school to invest in new equipment & facilities for our children

We do this through a variety of events throughout the year including:

  • Christmas Fayre
  • Christmas Cards
  • Mufti Days
  • Quiz Night
  • Family Photographs
  • Chocolate Bingo
  • Discos
  • Hot Dog Lunches
  • Summer Fayre
  • Talent Show

The list is endless and we are always looking for new and exciting ideas.

ALL the money we raise is given to the school and goes towards fantastic new facilities and equipment. We have helped provide funding for items such as the outdoor classroom, Microsoft tablets, artificial grass, Poddley play equipment.

Why get involved?
There are so many advantages to getting involved with SSPTFA including:

  • Opportunity to meet other parents and make new friends
  • Keeping active (both mentally and physically!)
  • Having a laugh
  • Getting a better understanding of how the school works
  • Getting to know the teachers better
  • A greater sense of belonging to the school community
  • And, of course, raising money for the school

How to get involved?
The SSPTFA is a very relaxed, social group, there’s nothing stuffy, bureaucratic or formal about what we do.  A key aim of every event (as well as making money!) is to have fun!

We fully appreciate that everyone has different time and work commitments so each member gives what they can.  We are grateful for whatever time people can give.

We recognise that everyone is busy and so we try to meet up once every half term. So no meetings just for the sake of a meeting!
We try to make sure every class in the school is represented by at least 1 parent on the SSPTFA to enable greater communication between the committee and the parents at the school gate.

If you don’t feel that you can / want to commit to being a committee member of SSPTFA there are other ways you can get involved:

  • Supporting Events 
    Without your support our events would not be a success. By turning up and taking part we hope you and your children have a great time and that we raise some money as well. Most of our events are open to the whole community, so please encourage friends, family and neighbours to come along and join in.
  • Helping Out at Events
    The success of the events we run are dependent upon the help and assistance we get from parents. You can help as much or as little as you like (even 30 minutes to help set-up some tables can make a difference). Some people like to help on the day (such as running a stall); others get involved by setting up and preparing things beforehand. The adage - "many hands make light work" has never been more true.


PTA Email address:


Chair - Annabella Dunne-Wall

Treasurer - Nikki Rickard

Secretary - Chi Darby

Teacher Members - Mrs J Jones

Parent Members:  Claudia Ishmael, Rosie Simmons, Mona Dzaro-Magunje, Charlie Blankson, Ebony Hall, Marcus Eayres, Amy Shaw, Emily Mayhew, Emily Watson-Derby, Jackie Chappell, Katie Worthington, Lori Hance, Matt Tucker, Lizzie Kelly, Kelly Duffin, Liz Elliott, Rachel Wilson, Teresa Delgaudio, Helen Cade, Talisha Craib and Laura Clewlow