Stone Church pf England Combined School

'Love one another as I have loved you' (John 13:34-35) Helping each other to reach for the stars

Social, Emotional Wellbeing at Stone

At Stone, our aim is for every child to reach their ‘star’ – in order for them to do that we really need to know our children as individuals. We believe in the power of relationships in order to ensure that children are ready and able to learn.

In our school, our priority is for all pupils to develop a growth mindset; become effective learners for life and understand how they can look after their mental health and wellbeing as we know these are fundamental skills for future success as adults. 

Our approaches are built into our curriculum and they are not a bolt on element. We use the below strategies daily with all the children and our children can speak confidently about the strategies they use to support their wellbeing.

Please find more information about the strategies we teach the children at Stone in addition to their PHSE lessons. 

Skills for Life

5 ways to Wellbeing

We teach all children how to look after their wellbeing so that they are happy and ready to learn.

Zones of Regulation 

We teach all children about the ‘Zones of Regulation’ and what they can do to help themselves be in best zone for effective learning (green zone).

Growth Mindset 

At Stone CE Combined School, we are encouraging pupils to develop a Growth Mindset.  It is worth emphasising from the outset that a Growth Mindset is not a new curriculum but simply an approach to learning in school and life beyond.  Research by Developmental Psychologist Dr Carol Dweck of Stanford University points to people having one of, or a combination of, two mindsets: Growth and Fixed.  A child’s belief about intelligence is an important factor in whether they become an effective learner. 

The Dip 

There is a ‘Dip’ display in every classroom, encouraging children to reflect on where they are in their learning. The philosophy behind the dip is that if you can jump over it, you’re probably not learning! You have to go into the dip and out of your comfort zone, facing into challenges in order to learn something new. The Dip could be used at any point during a lesson, within a unit of work etc. and could be ready made by teaching staff or designed with the children.

Unhelpful Thinking Habits

We teach all children about the evolution of the brain and unhelpful thinking habits which are common, as well as how to challenge these. We teach these through child-centred stories and name the different unhelpful thinking habits as follows:

Pastoral Support at Stone 

Pastoral (ID 1134)

Miss Craib plays a crucial role in coordinating support for our children, ensuring they feel safe and happy.  She works closely with our teaching staff, parents and external agencies to provide the right supports for children ensuring they can reach for their star. 

We understand the importance of a child's overall wellbeing in their educational development. By offering pastoral support, Miss Craib ensures that any concerns or issues affecting a child's emotional or mental health are addressed promptly and effectively.

Should you have any concerns about your child's wellbeing or if you feel they may benefit from additional support, I encourage you to reach out to Miss Craib.

Miss Craib's role also includes: 

  • Mental Health Support Team
  • Coordinator Mental Health Heroes/Peer Mentors
  • School Council (SCHECO)
  • Young Careers (In school group for children who have a caring role at home)